CONCERN is growing in part of St John’s over a “rise in anti-social behaviour”.

Teenagers have been seen “running amok” at a construction site in Tearne Street this week.

Park gates were broken over the summer and rubbish and glass were thrown around a children’s playground, say residents.

The construction site has been fenced off since March, when two blocks of garages were demolished without planning permission.

But resident Bertie Ballinger says the site needs to be made more secure.

MESS: Mr Ballinger cleaned up rubbish including broken glass over the summerMESS: Mr Ballinger cleaned up rubbish including broken glass over the summer (Image: Bertie Ballinger)

“I am glad that the site is now being fenced off properly, and cannot wait for some form of planning to come through so that the site can be developed,” he said.

“But the owner needs to speed up the process of securing the site, so that teenagers cannot gain access and run amok. It has already taken six months to begin this work.

“Yesterday in the early hours, some teenagers got onto the site and began smashing bricks and wood around.

“Unused land and construction sites always attract anti-social behaviour. But more needs to be done.”

Mr Ballinger, who stood as a Conservative candidate for the St Clement ward in May’s city council election, said many of his neighbours are concerned.

“This summer Hawkwood Crescent and the surrounding area has seen a rise in anti-social behaviour - park gates broken, trees uprooted, glass and rubbish thrown around a children's play area and teenagers messing around in a construction site.

“All these issues reported have been fixed, the gates repaired, the tree replanted, and the play area cleaned (by myself), and the police were quick to attend yesterday.

DEMOLISHED: Bertie Ballinger at the Tearne Street garages in AprilDEMOLISHED: Bertie Ballinger at the Tearne Street garages in April (Image: Bertie Ballinger)

“This latest escalation has upset local residents and left many worried that this could happen to them.”

West Mercia Police said they would encourage anyone who witnesses anti-social behaviour to report it to police.

Worcester City Council confirmed in April that the landowner “should have sought approval before demolishing” the garages, adding: “He took this action at his own risk.”

“We have asked for details of how the site will be made safe and tidied up, and we will take enforcement action if necessary.

“Any future development at this site will need planning permission.”