A student is set to be pushed the length of a marathon to raise money for charity.

RGS Worcester student Libby Parker will be embarking on 'The Big Push 3' on Saturday (September 28), to raise awareness and funds for the charity Long Covid Kids, a charity dedicated to supporting young people living with Long Covid and their families.

She will be pushed 26.2 miles around Worcester to support children and families navigating the challenges of Long Covid.

Libby’s story is one of resilience.

After testing positive for Covid-19 on August 1, 2021, Libby initially showed no symptoms, but within four weeks, she began to experience debilitating fatigue, nausea, a racing heart, brain fog, and other symptoms associated with Long Covid.

Staff at the school have supported Libby since, working closely with her parents to ensure Libby could complete her GCSEs last summer.

Libby is now in the Sixth Form and has started her A Levels.

Reflecting on her journey, Libby said: "I’ve struggled with Long Covid since September 2021, which has limited my ability to attend school full-time and pursue my passion for competitive swimming.

"Some weeks I could only manage three hours of school, and on others, I couldn’t go in at all.

"But this year, I’ve been able to do some swimming training, and I’m determined to make a difference through The Big Push 3."

The Big Push 3 will begin at Perdiswell Leisure Centre and culminate at the school, where Libby will celebrate completing the marathon distance alongside family, friends, and staff.

Libby has invited the community to join her on the walk - whether for a short stretch or the entire journey, she has said that everyone is welcome.

You can also support her cause by donating to her GoFundMe page (gofundme.com/f/the-big-push-3) or sharing her posts on social media to help raise awareness.