A CITY pub’s fight to keep a wooden roof terrace and pool room has gone to appeal.

The Grosvenor Arms in St John’s has been told to tear down the extension by the city council - but is hoping a planning inspector will agree with their calls to keep it.

Retrospective planning approval for the developments were rejected by the city council in May.

Planners said it used “poor quality materials”, looked “incongruous” as an addition to the Henwick Road pub and caused an “unacceptable level of noise disturbance to neighbouring properties”.

LIFE: Landlady Eve Schnell says the extension has been a boost for the pubLIFE: Landlady Eve Schnell says the extension has been a boost for the pub (Image: Google Maps)

The decision is now in the hands of a planning inspector who has the power to overturn the council’s decision.

Landlady Eve Schnell said the extension and roof terrace have helped breathe “new life into the pub” since it was built last summer.

“The locals love it and no neighbours have ever complained to us,” she said. “The roof terrace is a great little suntrap with a seating area and the extension has allowed us to have a pool room downstairs.”

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She said it would be “really bad” if the pub was forced to take the extension down, adding: “It’s a good fire exit as well, if something were to happen in the pub.

“It’s not an eyesore - it’s just timber. It’s not grotesque or anything.

“Years ago we had a massive beer garden so it’s good to have somewhere for people to come and sit outside.”

EXTENSION: The roof terrace and pool room were built last yearEXTENSION: The roof terrace and pool room were built last year (Image: Worcester City Council)

No neighbours objected during the consultation period but one did write in support of the application.

Elliot Knight said: “Great pub, great people. The extension allows a pool team to operate from here which brings a bunch of lads together once a week to relax and have a chat.

MURAL: The pub was one of the places to get new murals thanks to Worcester Paint FestivalMURAL: The pub was one of the places to get new murals thanks to Worcester Paint Festival (Image: Grosvenor Arms)

“The roof terrace also allows for people to sit in the sun and enjoy an afternoon refreshment, it's a great addition to the pub and many people would be disheartened if it was removed. It’s a great addition to the pub and looks amazing.”

In planning documents, Worcester City Council said the retrospective application was submitted as a result of an investigation by enforcement officers following a complaint by a neighbour.

The council said it had since served an enforcement notice for the removal of the extension but will not pursue this until the outcome of the appeal is known.