YET another crazy decision by Worcester planning officers has been approved.

This time to build 54 student flats by St Clement’s Church in an OAP sheltered housing scheme.

The right of way between Henwick Road and Tybridge Street will have to be closed off to allow access down the narrow lane to the site and lorries delivering building supplies will have to reverse out as there is no turning room.

Parking is already a nightmare in Henwick Road and St Clements Close so where will students and builders park?

Several huge trees will have to be felled.

The building will be as high as St Clement’s Church and invade the privacy of nearby residents.

Will churchgoers and Men’s Shed users still be able to access the tiny St Clement’s Church car park?

Will they be digging up Henwick Road or St Clements Close to install services?

No doubt a huge crane will have to be installed at some point to complete the building. Where will it go?

Did the planners actually view the site before they made their decision?

The only sensible suggestion made at this meeting was that the run-down building be restored, or even rebuilt, into a desperately-needed community facility as there are none in the area.

I see nothing but grief for residents from this project and a lot of profit for someone somewhere.

AM Harris


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