PRAISE has been heaped on a waste disposal company which has given away a car for free it had been asked to scrap.

Fortunately, Five Star Recycling, a waste management service based in Dines Green, Worcester, came into the possession of the old Citroen Picasso and decided to give it to a family in need.

They found a deserving family who will now benefit from having a car with the company's customers congratulating them for diverting the item from landfill.

Terry Gorman, co-owner of Five Star Recycling, said: "Half of our business is collecting metal and cars to be scrapped.

"A friend of mine rang me and asked if I could take their car to be scrapped."

The Compact MPV has over 200,000 miles on the clock, but has an MOT until June 2025, is still in good condition and is a perfect family car.

'LEGENDS': Terry Gorman (left), Ricky Gorman (right) (Image: 5 Star Recycling)

"When we collect cars, I always check to see if it has an MOT and if anything is wrong with it," he said.

"I saw that it had an MOT for nine months and I thought it would be a real shame if it was scrapped straight away.

"I drove it home and felt there was nothing wrong with it so someone could still use it."

After arriving home, Mr Gorman immediately advertised the car on the company's Facebook page.

The Facebook post drew lots of attention, Mr Gorman explained: "I had people asking if I would be willing to sell it, but I wanted to give it away.

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"So many people are struggling and it would be great to help someone who needs it out."

There was just one condition Mr Gorman had: "When they want to get rid of it because it has broken down, we would like it to come back to us.

"I want my customers to know that we will do what they trust us to.

"It would be a shame to scrap it when the car still works."

The team often try to find new homes for some of the items they have been asked to remove.

Customers have called the pair "legends" with another saying "Nice one Lads. Very generous of you both."