THE amount of donations Evesham's MP has received since the start of parliament has been revealed.

Nigel Huddleston has been given a donations worth £5,000 since the start of parliament. 

This is actually less than the average with the average MP having already received £8,750.

The £5,000 was given to Mr Huddleston from Christopher Holland.

Speaking about donations to MPs, Mr Huddleston said: "I gratefully receive donations to contribute towards the costs of elections and related activities.

"We have a robust and transparent system for political donations in the UK.

"Like all donations, this has been declared in accordance with normal policies and procedures."

The MP with the most donations is Robert Jenrick who received £205,000 since the start of parliament.

MPs financial interests can come in the form of donations (which is normally cash), earning from other employment and gifts. 

Under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA) members of political parties and holders of certain elected offices, including MPs, must follow rules relating to donations and loans they receive in connection with their political activities.

The rules they must follow include checking that donations they receive with a value of more than £500 are from permissible sources.

They must also report the details of relevant donations and loans to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards within 28 days of accepting them.