THE council has appointed a new returning officer to replace an “excellent servant to the city”.

Sian Stroud is taking on the role, which means she will be responsible for overseeing elections in Worcester.

The city council’s corporate director for planning and governance, she will also take over as electoral registration officer and be responsible for maintaining the electoral register.

Both roles are being vacated by Shane Flynn, the council’s corporate director of finance and resources.

Mr Flynn is retiring in November having joined Worcester City Council in 2017.

At a full council meeting on Tuesday (September 17), managing director David Blake said it was a “bittersweet” moment.

“It’s always enjoyable to recommend to members a colleague to take on additional responsibilities but it’s really sad when it comes with the departure of a very well respected colleague,” he said.

“Sian is extremely diligent, works extremely hard and we know through her promotion to her corporate role that she has the capacity and ability to take on additional work.

“Having said that, we’ll need to work together to make sure she has the space to take on the new role, particularly when elections come around.”

Council leader Lynn Denham said the roles were “vital for the delivery of democracy”.

“I also want to give my thanks to Shane, whose quiet, competent, unflustered approach has ensured the safe delivery of votes and the voting system in this city - despite having to deal with stressed and emotional candidates at times.

“I’m enormously grateful he chose to come to Worcester and we’ve had the privilege of his sensible and steady hand - and the very rare skill of being able to make finance reports meaningful to councillors.

“He’s helped track Worcester through some very difficult decisions over the years. He’s manoeuvred us through some choppy political waters. He will be a very hard act to follow.”

Deputy leader Jabba Riaz said Mr Flynn has been “an excellent servant to this city”.

“Quietly behind the scenes, he’s the nuts and bolts of the operation.”

Democratic and civic services manager Claire Chaplin will continue as deputy returning officer and deputy electoral registration officer.