CARS parking on a "dangerous" grass verge during the school run has led to safety concerns.

Calls for a solution are mounting after cars parked on the grass verge outside Westacre Middle School have sparked worries among people about pupils' safety.

People say the section on Ombersley Way has become particularly busy over recent years, with parents parking on the verge to pick up and drop off their children. 

There are also fears over the damage to the grass verges. There are also fears over the damage to the grass verges. (Image: Newsquest) However, the verge is near to traffic lights, which children use to safely cross to get to the middle school and Droitwich Spa High School.

Another section also involves an underpass bridge junction, which pupils and parents also regularly use to get to the schools.

County councillor Richard Morris said he has received complaints from residents and has been trying to work on a solution for many years. 

"I have managed previously to get some bollards in place at the bridge entrance to Westacre and the entrance to St Joseph’s," he said.

"The existing bollards have been in place for a couple of years and have helped, but issues just move on to other areas, unfortunately.

This section involves the underpass bridge junction.This section involves the underpass bridge junction. (Image: Newsquest) "The schools have sent letters, the Droitwich Youth Council initiated a Walk to School initiative, and we need the car parking at the Leisure Centre as parking will be moved on otherwise.

"I have been working on a solution for a while because I am worried about safety. 

"The bridge area can be dangerous, but the biggest issue now tends to be by the lights in front of Westacre Middle School, where cars drive over the pathways. 

"The road is quite wide, but I guess parents believe they are taking less road space and allowing traffic flow."

He said he understands the issue will not be easy to fix.

Other concerns were raised that cars parking on the grass verge over the winter months churn up the grass and make the area unpleasant to look at.

Some residents have suggested tarmacking the grass areas, but Cllr Morris said this will be a costly fix.

"The priority is safety, so some type of barrier is the likely solution," he added.

Westacre Middle School has been approached for comment.