WORK to improve a 'dangerous' footpath which was 'slippery' and 'uneven' has been welcomed by the city councillor who had lobbied to make it safer for residents. 

Cllr Alan Amos has welcomed improvements to a footpath which he says in the longest in his Bedwardine division, praising Worcestershire County Council for the quality of the work.

Cllr Amos, who represents Bedwardine on the county council, said the surface had been uneven and broken in places with holes in the surface and patches of moss, making it slippery for pedestrians.

The popular path runs between Foley Road and Bromwich Road in St John's, near Christopher Whitehead Language College.BEFORE: The footpath before the improvement work BEFORE: The footpath before the improvement work (Image: Supplied)

Cllr Amos, also the last Conservative city councillor, said he became concerned after walking the route himself.

He added: "It was becoming unsafe and dangerous.

"The recent work has literally transformed this important footpath out of all recognition and made an enormous difference.

"I am delighted to have finally got this one done as its completion takes me much nearer to my aim of getting every pavement and footpath in my division upgraded to the highest standard.

AFTER: The path after the resurfacing work AFTER: The path after the resurfacing work (Image: Supplied)

"I am particularly pleased with this one as it is the longest footway in Bedwardine and goes all the way from Foley Road around Christopher Whitehead to Bromwich Road. Beforehand, it was potholed, uneven, unsafe, and completely unwelcoming.

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"It now has a top quality surface, new fencing, and the hedges all cut back making it an attractive route to use and an excellent short cut for people in this area. I urge and encourage people to try it out.”

Cllr Amos said he raised the issue with Worcestershire County Council and was now pleased people could 'use the footpath with confidence'. He said he was also pleased to see hedges had been cut back, allowing more natural light through.