THE Great Waddle of Worcester has come to an end with the penguins beginning to be be collected up.

St Richard's Hospice staff are currently busy collecting all 40 large penguins from in and around Worcester city centre. 

The first penguin to be removed was the Hairy Monster, sponsored by the Worcester News, which has been at Fort Royal Park for the past two months. 

They will be collected four at a time before being taken to a secret location for the next few weeks. 

(Image: Ryan Smith) A spokesperson for St Richard's Hospice said: "The Waddle of Worcester has been fantastic, there have been thousands of trail goers who have enjoyed the route and it has really been a great celebration of creativity."

The Waddle has been in the city since July. 

A Wild in Art event, the eight-week showcase was brought to the city by St Richard’s Hospice in its 40th year.

The penguins will eventually be sold off to raise vital funds for the hospice’s care of patients living with an illness that cannot be cured and their loved ones.

(Image: Ryan Smith) Although many have enjoyed the trail, several of the penguins have had to be temporarily taken off display after being damaged. 

Next month, Worcestershire County Cricket Club will host all the city’s penguins for a final time before they all head off to their forever homes.

The outdoor events will take place between Friday, October 4 and Sunday, October 6 and again between Friday, October 11 and Sunday, October 13.