A GUINNESS World Record has been smashed at this year's Worcester City Runs- and it was dedicated to the memory of a school friend. 

Ian Wild, from Worcester, broke the world record for the fastest man to complete a half marathon dressed as a lumberjack. 

Earlier this year, Mr Wild's school friend, who was affected by alcohol use, passed away.

This prompted Mr Wild, who did not want to name his friend, to attempt to break the world record while raising vital funds for Alcohol Change UK. 

Mr Wild braved the half marathon wearing his lumberjack's costume and sporting a toy axe.

He crossed the finish line after 1 hour 36 minutes and 22 seconds. 

That was over six minutes faster than Chris Garratt, who broke the world record in last year's Worcester Half Marathon. 

Mr Wild told the Worcester News he had helped Mr Garratt in his preparation for his world record attempt- but was then thrown the challenge to beat it.

He added: "After he won the world record last year Chris handed me his axe and and I took on the challenge. 

"He has been very helpful helping me to beat his record, helping me train in a similar way that I helped him last year, and a big shout out to Worcester Woods Park Run which has also been brilliant for me. 

"I have been running like this in every park in Worcester for the past four months- it's been a lot of work."

Despite breaking a world record, Mr Wild said he couldn't care less about holding that title and would much prefer people congratulate him by donating to Alcohol Change UK. 

So far, Mr Wild has raised £860 for the charity, which aims to help create a society that is free from the harm caused by alcohol.

He added: "Once my friend passed away, that was my motivation to raise money for a charity that could help someone in a similar situation get the care they need."

Mr Wild added that although he was a current world record holder, this would be the last time he ever competes in a half marathon.

Instead, he will be handing the baton, and the lumberjack's axe, over to Worcester City councillor Neil Laurenson, and has set him the challenge of beating the world record next year.

Visit https://www.justgiving.com/page/ian-wild-1720889169943 to donate to Alcohol Change UK.