Bring back our bus shelter demand councillors after one was destroyed in storage while the cost of a replacement has skyrocketed.

Pershore Town councillors are asking Worcestershire County Council to pay for a new shelter at a cost of over £5,000 after the previous one was destroyed while in storage.

The bus shelter on Station Road, near the junction with Whitcroft Road, was removed by Worcestershire County Council with approval from Pershore Town Council so a new zebra crossing could be installed in November 2020.

The county council put the shelter into storage and offered to reinstall the shelter in a new location in town in the future. 

While the shelter was being stored, the town council received a quote of £1,000 to repair the shelter so it could be used again.

A spokesperson for Pershore Town Council said: "We would like to have a bus shelter on Worcester Road as you come into Pershore.

"There is currently a shelter on the other side of the road, but we don't yet know if it is viable as we need to find out things like what utilities are there."

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In October 2022, having received authorisation from Worcestershire County Council, the bus shelter was scrapped.

However, Pershore Town Council did not approve of the scrapping and only became aware of it on Wednesday, May 15 - over 18 months later.

Now with a potential location for a new bus shelter in mind, the town council is hoping for help funding a replacement.

In a letter to the CEO, Pershore Town Council is asking Worcestershire County Council to pay to replace the scrapped shelter and install the new one, which has been quoted at £4,097.26 plus VAT.

A spokesperson for Worcestershire County Council said: "We did, initially store the shelter for Pershore Town Council pending completion of the new zebra crossing.

"We did try to contact the town council later on regarding funding required to repair as, after four years of being in storage, the shelter was no longer usable.

"We will now work with the town council to reach a satisfactory outcome."