A shocked dog walker has described the terrifying moment she and her powerful, 'fearless' pets fled a large growling 'mystery' beast prowling inside a city reserve nature.

The dog rescuer, who does not wish to be identified, said both encounters happened when she was walking in the 'pitch black' at Gorse Hill and Elbury Mount Local Nature Reserve in Worcester.

She believes the animal was probably a big cat and, during the encounters, her large, muscular dogs froze.

WILD: Gorse Hill where the unnamed woman twice enWILD: Gorse Hill where the unnamed woman twice encountered a growling creature which she believes may have been a big cat (Image: James Connell/Newsquest) Sharing the incidents on the Evesham and Villages Big Cat Group which now has more than 900 members, she said her most recent encounter was about five or six months ago in the early hours of the morning around halfway up Gorse Hill.

The first encounter was eight months before on the top of Gorse Hill, near the edge of the woods.

Her bitch skidded to a halt when she heard a growling from the woods and would not go any closer to the source. 

WILD: Gorse Hill and Elbury Mount Local Nature Reserve may be in the city of Worcester but is certainly one of its wilder corners WILD: Gorse Hill and Elbury Mount Local Nature Reserve may be in the city of Worcester but is certainly one of its wilder corners (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

During the second encounter, both her powerful dogs were said to be scared but stood their ground.

One of her dogs is a female 65kg Sarplaninac guardian herding dog from Bosnia which she said was 'bred to fight wolves, coyotes and mountain lions' and 'to protect cattle'.

POWERFUL: The mastiff and Thai ridgeback in this image supplied by the owner would not approach the mystery animal on Gorse Hill POWERFUL: The mastiff and Thai ridgeback in this image supplied by the owner would not approach the mystery animal on Gorse Hill (Image: Supplied by dog’s owner)

Her second dog is a 56kg male Thai ridgeback crossed with a mastiff. Her owner described him as 'aggressive, built like a tank and strong as an ox', arguing the creature 'must have been something powerful for him to stop from attacking'.

Despite the encounters she does not believe the mystery 'wild cat' creature is a threat and stressed that it made not attempt to attack either her or her dogs.

WILD: No conclusive proof has yet been provided of the existence of big cats in Worcestershire say wildlife experts WILD: No conclusive proof has yet been provided of the existence of big cats in Worcestershire say wildlife experts (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

She said she did not see the animal 'either time'. However, she added: "But I heard it and I know it was big because of the sound of the growl and how hollow and deep it was.

"And when it ran off I could hear the branches breaking and sticks snapping but the biggest clue came from my dogs especially the one and how they reacted."

She said having since listened to the sounds made by various big cats and believes it was nearest to that made by a 'panther' on both encounters.

OVERGROWN: Gorse Hill Pedestrian entrances on Kenwood Avenue, Troutbeck Drive, Elbury Park RoadOVERGROWN: Gorse Hill which has pedestrian entrances on Kenwood Avenue, Troutbeck Drive and Elbury Park Road (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

"These two meetings have stayed with me and I can't shake them because I haven't got an explanation or answer as to what it could have been that could do that to such big powerful dogs.

"It must have known it could take them and they must have known that too. They would not approach but they would not back of from attack position either. I broke the standoff when I pulled them slowly away. This is when it then took flight. Both times.

"I know my dogs knew it was a huge threat, they were scared but stood their ground. I also know the growl I heard was most certainly no dog or canine. I put my life on this."

FORMIDABLE: The Bosnian herding dog that skidded to a halt when it heard an animal growling in Gorse Hill nature reserve FORMIDABLE: The Bosnian herding dog that skidded to a halt when it heard an animal growling in Gorse Hill nature reserve (Image: Supplied by owner)

Mandy Acres, one of the founders of the Evesham and Villages Big Cat Group, revealed the latest sighting of a big cat had been near Harvington.

The 37-year-old believes it is only a matter of time now before someone provides conclusive proof their existence in the county. 

RECOMMENDED READING: Big cats in Worcestershire: 'big black cat' in Harvington

RECOMMEDED READING: Big cats are in Worcestershire after 'multiple sightings

Recent sightings over the summer have centred on reports of a black panther and a lynx stalking along the Worcestershire and Gloucestershire border.

But other sightings have been described in the Evesham group after Martin Burford revealed two of his own close encounters. Reports of big cats have been received within the group from across Worcestershire - Malvern, Kidderminster, Evesham, Powick, Madresfield and Stourport.

Even experts have not ruled out the possibility of the big cats roaming through the remoter parts of the county, including the Worcestershire Wildlife Trust. They just say more conclusive proof has yet to be found.

A National Farmers Union (NFU) spokesperson has also said farmers are keeping 'an open mind'.