DISGUSTED walkers are having to hold their noses as they go past overflowing bins in their "worst state ever" as stinking bags of dog poo pile up.

Dog walkers have been dumping their pet's bags of waste on and near dog poo bins on Nunnery Wood, behind Nunnery Wood High School, which have been left overflowing for at least 10 days.

Worcester resident Phil Goddard said: "It's in the worst state I have ever seen it in and I walk around here every single day.

"If there's nowhere else to put rubbish then they just have to leave it next to the bin when it's in this state.

"I have reported the bins previously but I reported them to the council at the weekend and they said it would be sorted today (Monday), but nothing has been done as yet.

"I'm not sure who is responsible to be honest."

Both bins were filled to the brim with rubbish and dog poo bags while there was further rubbish strewn around them.

Mr Goddard added: "They need to clear these bins every week to be honest.

"It doesn't do anything for the environment and now there are lots of kids walking past it every day walking to and from school."

One resident, who didn't wish to be named, believes the bins have not been emptied in at least 10 days.

Lisa Eaton, who lives nearby and regularly walks through Nunnery Wood, said: "It's always like that to be honest - always full and overflowing.

"It's horrible isn't it - and it smells terrible.

"We are around here all the time and we come at different times of the day, but the situation with these bins never changes.

"It's horrible isn't it - and it smells terrible.

"It's such a shame because it's a nice area around here."

Worcester City Council has confirmed that the bins are not serviced by them but another provider.

Worcestershire County Council has been approached for comment.

This isn't the first instance of overflowing bins in recent months.

Residents complained about full bins in Pitmaston Park, in St John's, in March - though these were then cleared by Worcester City Council.