A COUNTY group will welcome a guest speaker with a difference at their next meeting on Thursday, September 12.

Kidderminster and Worcestershire Prostate Cancer Support Group will host Dr Steve Allen at Pershore’s Wychavon Civic Centre with doors opening at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Instead of providing members with a presentation on a core issue affecting many men after treatment for prostate cancer, this will be an evening with Dr Allen with questions prepared in advance and also on the night from what is expected to be a large audience.

The former West Berkshire Hospital, Reading, radiologist received a diagnosis of prostate cancer 16 years ago.

Despite having a mildly aggressive form of the disease by today’s standards, he underwent a radical prostatectomy in 2008.

Since surgery Dr Allen has become closely involved with prominent charities, including Prostate Cancer UK and Tackle Prostate Cancer.

Through interactions with countless patients and their families Dr Allen has gained invaluable insights and shared experiences.

He aims to ensure patients facing similar challenges receive not only appropriate treatment but also the vital support and guidance often lacking in such circumstances.

For more information about the event, email Peter Corbishley at petecorbishley@gmail.com.