An exclusive Worcester Film Festival podcast series is set to feature a range of filmmakers and actors whose work will appear during the event.

The podcast, Glacé Film Club, produced by British production company Glacé Media, is collaborating with the festival to produce a mini-series of interviews and live updates.

In a partnership between the podcast and the festival, the four-part series will bring the personalities behind the screens to listeners.

One of the highlights of the first episode, launched at 8am yesterday (Thursday, September 5) morning, was the conversation with the Morgan Brothers, filmmaker Jake and composer Luke.

Fresh from an Oscar longlist mention for their short film 'The Boat', the brothers shared anecdotes about their new feature 'Froggie', which is set to be screened at the festival.

The series will also feature an interview with director Martha Treves and producer Lia Gomez-Lang who will discuss their film 'Something Else'.

The podcast will also include a conversation with Jake McClean and Abbie Wilson, who played the main roles in their 1930s-inspired short film 'Whistling Dixie'.

One of the hosts of the podcast, Marcus Johnson, said: "Covering Worcester Film Festival over the last couple of years has been an absolute joy.

"The festival attracts a delightful and passionate bunch of filmmakers and film lovers.

"To capture that film magic on the podcast has been truly exciting.

"We’re properly enthused to extend our coverage this year with this mini-series.

"For a podcast that loves looking at how film can make an impact beyond just being a piece of entertainment, Worcester Film Festival is an unbelievable example of how films can inspire and bring people together."

There is more to look forward to as coverage will continue throughout the festival on The Glacé Film Club's Instagram handle.

The festival will include screenings at the Odeon cinema, industry talks and other events spanning various venues, culminating in an awards gala on Saturday, September 28.