THE city council has agreed on the questions that will go into this year’s annual survey.

Every year, Worcester City Council asks residents for their views on the authority and the services it provides.

This year the survey will be launched on Monday, October 21 and closes six weeks later on Sunday, December 1.

City residents will be able to fill in the survey online, request a hard copy directly from the council or pick up copies from libraries, community centres and other council buildings.

The survey, called ‘It’s your city - have your say’, will give people the chance to say how they feel about a range of council services and projects.

At a policy and resources committee on Tuesday (September 3), Cllr Alex Mace said: “I would like to see some questions on active travel.

“Looking at what’s in there, there’s nothing about how people move through the city, whether that’s on foot or by bike. And then issues about blocked pavements etc because those also affect partially sighted people, blind people moving around the city as well.

“It would certainly be good to ask people how they get around, how they would like to get around and what the barriers are.”

Cllr Jabba Riaz said: “There’s a lot we deliver in the city that is covered in [the survey].

“Considering the constrained financial positions that we’re going to be finding ourselves in, is it important that the members of the public know what is a statutory function and what is a discretionary function? Because it really does demonstrate how much extra we do on top of what we legally have to deliver.

“And if there are other things they want us to provide, would they be willing to pay extra for them?”

Cllr Pat Agar asked: “This is a big document, how are we making it accessible?”

Shane Flynn, the council’s corporate director of finance and resources, said it would be produced in different languages.

He said council officers have held sessions in community centres in the past but “very few people have come along”.