A SPEEDING driver was not given a totting-up disqualification because he pleaded exceptional hardship.

Julian William Taitt, of Pensax, near Abberley, was caught speeding on the A451 Minister Road, Stourport, by an automatic camera on August 13 last year.

Worcester Magistrates Court heard the loss of licence would cause the 64-year-old exceptional hardship as he has a medical condition.

It would also cause exceptional hardship to his son who relies upon the defendant to gain access to contact with his child through transportation to see the child.

Taitt's licence was endorsed with three points and he was fined £230 at the magistrates court on Friday, August 30.

He must also pay a £92 surcharge to victim services and costs of £110.

The magistrates took into account the defendant's guilty plea when imposing the sentence.

The total of £432 must be paid by Monday, September 30.