An international film festival and glittering awards night has been held in the city centre.

The independent Realtime International Film Festival (RTF) was held in Worcester city centre on Saturday and Sunday (August 24 and 25), culminating in a red carpet awards ceremony.

The 2024 edition of the festival, which was originally created in Nigeria in 2016, kicked off in Birmingham on Friday, August 24 before travelling to Worcester for two days.

RTF's founder, Stanley Ohikhuare, said: "Through our Midlands Indie Collective initiative, we aim to permanently transform the film landscape in the Midlands."

The Midlands Indie Collective helps independent filmmakers attract investment with a view to their work featuring on platforms such as Netflix.

Mr Ohikhuare added: "Independent filmmaking, which thrives on nuance, is poised to prosper here.

"Worcester serves as our launchpad and for good reason.

"The perfect blend of community and location for cinematic exploration is a rarity - Worcester provides exactly that."

Held at The Hive and the Swan Theatre, RTF featured film screenings, industry talks, pitching sessions, and a closing ceremony attended by Worcester's deputy mayor, councillor Matt Lamb, who presented awards.

Over 70 international filmmakers participated, creating 124 films which were screened over RTF's duration.