THREE penguins damaged by vandals are still in for repair. 

Starlit Journey, Kingfisher Azure and Percy are all still missing from the Waddle of Worcester trail.

They were taken down after being vandalised overnight on Tuesday, August 20.

A spokesperson for the Waddle of Worcester said: "We're hoping to have an update on the timescales for their return next week.

"All three need fibreglass rebuilds, repainting and revarnishing with drying time in between so sadly their 'tweetment' takes time."

Kingfisher Azure has been taken off the trail for the second time since it launched in July, having previously been damaged on the first night of the event.

There is now a race against time to get the repairs to the statues completed before the trail ends on Sunday, September 15.

The spokesperson added: "It's so upsetting when vandals spoil things for the rest of us."