Worcester News readers have been voicing their thoughts on a rise in fines for parents taking their child out of school without permission during term time.

The new changes came into effect as of yesterday (Monday, August 19), meaning fines will increase from £60 to £80 for anyone falling foul of the rules.

Repeat offenders within three years will face a fine of £160.

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Commenting on the Worcester News Facebook page, Stu Maxted said: "And they’ll still be better off taking them away in term time than paying double when school’s out."

Yvette Preston weighed the educational benefits of holidays abroad, saying: "Children learn a lot going on holiday.

"Currency, culture, religion, traditions, social skills, life skills etc."

Marilyn Booth expressed her frustration with teachers who go on strike, commenting: "Then those teachers that strike need fines as well.

"What is good for one is good for the other."

Queenie Evans saw a more simple solution, writing: "Don't get what the big deal is just get permission and then organize the holiday for around that date."

Emma Clarke wrote: "Remember when families where given a two week (10 day) holiday allowance for holidays?

"Why can't they go back to that?"

Jason Dayus indicated the shift would not change his holiday plans, commenting: "Still a cheaper holiday tho".

Norbert Greszko concurred, commenting: "No problem, still cheaper than paying for a holiday in school term."

Mitchel Phillips gave a detailed explanation in this vein, writing: "Holidays are £59 during term time and £400 in holidays, take the £80 (fine)."

Looking at the wider issue of the current cost of holidays, Andy Daniel said: "Rather than punish parents for this, why don't the government crack down on the extortionate prices that places charge for out of term holidays?

"Especially holidays in the UK, they sky rocketed during covid and have never come back down."