A VULNERABLE disabled man is 'devastated' after the mobility scooter which was his 'lifeline' was stolen by a 'heartless' thief as his family fear he was deliberately targeted. 

Guy Watson had his mobility scooter stolen from the car park of his home in Millwright House in Basin Road, Diglis, Worcester.

The 79-year-old said the scooter helped him retain his independence as he hopes it can be returned to him so he is able to go into Worcester and do his own shopping.

The 'undercroft area' where the mobility scooter was left secure is gated but Mr Watson said when the gates open it can take the better part of a minute for them to close again. 

The former civil servant with the Health and Safety Executive who has multiple sclerosis had the mobility scooter stolen overnight on Wednesday night into Thursday morning. 

He has reported the theft to West Mercia Police online and said he hopes to have a response from them soon. 

He said: "I feel really, seriously fed-up. This takes me back to before I had a mobility scooter when I had a stroke and lost my driving licence. For 18 months I was unable to get about at all unless I had somebody to help me. That was in 2016.

"The mobility scooter is vital to my independence. It is a lifeline to me. It's a very cruel blow. I just want it returned to me."

He paid close to £1,000 for the mobility scooter second-hand in June last year, using it to get into Worcester city centre three or four times a week in summer. He says he can only walk short distances and his daughter says he has suffered falls in the past.

He made use of a lockable basket on the scooter to complete small shopping trips.

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His 44-year-old daughter Lydia Watson said: "My father has multiple sclerosis and relies on his scooter to do all his shopping and get into town. He has reported it to police online but has had no response. He is utterly devastated. He is dependent on this scooter.

"We cannot believe that thieves could be so heartless as to steal from a disabled person. I’m concerned as his daughter that they have followed him back to his home and targeted him.

"It’s a large heavy item that won’t be easy to move around. We desperately have to get it back for him."

We have approached West Mercia Police for comment.