FORMER Worcester News columnist John Phillpott has written a play.

The project, which began as something to pass the time during the 2020 Covid lockdown, has proved so promising it will now hit the stage of the city’s Swan Theatre in September.

Titled The Female Warrior, it’s based on the life of Hannah Snell, an 18th century Worcester woman who disguised herself as a soldier so she could find her lover who had been sent to war.

Hannah had fallen in love with a marine and when he was called away to fight the French she decided to follow him.

To do this she disguised herself as a man and enlisted in the British Army.

John explained: “I first became aware of the story when my elder daughter was living in the building where Hannah was born in Friar Street, Worcester.

“There were several cases of women masquerading as men in the 18th century in order to follow their husbands or lovers, either in the army or navy, but Hannah’s story is by far the best-known and most dramatic of them all.

“Incredibly, her gender was not discovered, even though she was wounded in battle several times.

“On one occasion, she was hit by a musket ball in the groin and, to avoid detection, dug the bullet out using her bayonet!

“The first draft of the play only took about a week.

“But since then I have rewritten it several times.

“I have been fortunate to cajole Steve Wilson of Worcester-based Crave Arts to direct it.”

Also a talented musician and author of several books, John began his career in journalism on the Rugby Advertiser at the age of 16 in 1965.

Since then, he has worked on various papers in the Midlands and north of England, including his 25-year stint at the Worcester News where his job titles were numerous — sub editor, chief sub-editor, letters editor, theatre critic, columnist, journalist, etc.

Very occasionally he made the tea too.

John added: “After leaving the army, Hannah enjoyed a successful career touring the theatres of Britain enthralling the crowds as she related her adventures.

“But sadly she ended up in Bedlam Lunatic Asylum, London, and that is where my story starts.”

Having been at the sharp end of a daily paper newsroom as deadline approaches, he was on common ground there.

The Female Warrior by John Phillpott is onstage at the Swan Theatre’s Swan Studio, The Moors, from Thursday, September 19 until Saturday, September 21.

There will be five shows with two of them matinees.

For more details, visit or call the box office on 01905 611427.