INITITAL work ahead of repairs to a partially collapsed medieval bridge has begun as vegetation is cut back ahead of the main job.

Workmen in hard hats and orange tabards could be seen at the site of Powick Old Bridge on Thursday as vegetation was cut back along ahead of the main repairs which involve a large platform being built. 

Although no work appears to have taken place to the bridge itself so far, assurances have been given that extensive preparation work has been underway for the last fortnight.

HISTORIC: Powick Old Bridge collapsed at the end of January but work is now underway near the site ahead of the main repair work HISTORIC: Powick Old Bridge collapsed at the end of January but work is now underway near the site ahead of the main repair work (Image: James Connell/Newsquest) Work to the bridge was set to begin a fortnight ago, on Monday, July 29. The grade I listed structure is considered an integral part of Worcestershire's Civil War history.

Jon Fraser, of Worcestershire County Council Highways, said earlier this week: "There have been extensive two  weeks’ worth of work establishing a compound at the Powick Old Bridge site, in the car park off Powick Roundabout near Hams Way Bridge.

"This has included bringing material to site to raise the ground level so that the site cabins are above the flood level. Numerous items of plant and equipment have been brought to site and some public right of way diversions have been established.

Works will start to strip back vegetation around the bridge site from Wednesday this week."

Powick Old Bridge suffered a partial collapse at the end of January after successive storms brought flood water and, with it, mountains of driftwood crashing against the ancient structure.

The bridge was the scene of the Battle of Powick Bridge on September 23, 1642, the opening skirmish of the English Civil War, and also featured heavily in its last decisive engagement, the Battle of Worcester on September 3, 1651.

A temporary ramp will be installed from the footway into the river channel, and a working platform created on the upstream side of the river, Worcestershire County Council has confirmed.  

The purpose of the working platform is to safeguard the collapsed area of the wingwall from further damage, and to allow the arch and abutment to be properly inspected.

Recognising the important historic nature and originality of the structure, it will also protect the damaged section from losing more material, and add support to the whole structure before the main repairs begin.  

RECOMMENDED READING: Powick Old Bridge heavy equipment moved in ready for repairs

The temporary works will be followed by detailed design of a permanent reconstruction which will require further approvals ahead of final works next year.

The temporary platform will prevent water from entering the arch so that work can take place, and if the river does flood water will be diverted over the top of the platform.

This approach will also lead to a large proportion of the original stonework being reclaimed from the river bed. The wing wall will need to be completely taken down as part of the repair process

The rebuild will use as much of the initial stone and brick as possible.