STUDENTS were jumping for joy as they collected their A-level results after a summer full of anticipation. 

This year's cohort of students in Worcestershire had been described as the most impacted by the pandemic after being in Year 9 when schools closed.

Ben Swarbirck, Jaime Lewis, Lucy Wadley, Emilia Downing, Freya Sinclair, Fran Cinao, Todd Pinner. Ben Swarbirck, Jaime Lewis, Lucy Wadley, Emilia Downing, Freya Sinclair, Fran Cinao, Todd Pinner. (Image: Kings Worcester) But this did not affect the students, who arrived at their school for possibly the final time this morning (Thursday) to see if their hard work had paid off. 

Among the students celebrating is George Campbell-Ferguson, from Kings Worcester, who is one of 34 students in the school who achieved all A* or A grades.

George Campbell-Ferguson, Nicolas Abdulah, Ben Pattern, Jack Janes and George Howard.George Campbell-Ferguson, Nicolas Abdulah, Ben Pattern, Jack Janes and George Howard. (Image: Kings Worcester) He is also one of six students from the school who have been accepted into an Oxbridge university.

Deputy Head Academic, Katie Beever, said: "These outstanding results reflect not only the perseverance and dedication of our students but also the unwavering commitment of our teaching and  support staff, who have worked tirelessly to help every student realise their full potential.”

RAISE A GLASS: Leanne Dearing and Mia Rayner from Worcester Sixth From College.RAISE A GLASS: Leanne Dearing and Mia Rayner from Worcester Sixth From College. (Image: Newsquest) Natalie Bounds, from Worcester Sixth Form College, has also impressively performed after achieving four A* grades, which helped her get into Cambridge to study Natural Sciences.

She is one of 115 students in the college who was awarded an A* grade this year.

TOP PERFORMER: Natalie Bounds from Worcester Sixth From College TOP PERFORMER: Natalie Bounds from Worcester Sixth From College (Image: Worcester Sixth From College) The principal of Worcester Sixth Form College, Ed Senior, said students have not only achieved academically but also developed as people over time.

"I am proud of the way in which our students have developed personally during their time with us having taken advantage of our widest-ever range of enrichment.

CELEBRATE: Year 13 students from RGS.CELEBRATE: Year 13 students from RGS. (Image: RGS) "I am sure that the academic success of our students combined with their increased confidence will ensure they are well prepared for their next step whether that is university, an apprenticeship or employment."

However, some students spent today celebrating their perseverance when times got hard.

Students from Droitwich Spa High School collecting their results. Students from Droitwich Spa High School collecting their results. (Image: Droitwich Spa High School and Sixth Form Centre) Sam Miles, from Christopher Whitehead Language College and Sixth Form, was over the moon to receive three C grades after a difficult schooling year.

He said: "I have been dealing with mental health issues, which have really impacted me and my concentration, but I found coming here has helped me overcome it.

PROUD: Sam Miles, from Christopher Whitehead Language College and Sixth Form.PROUD: Sam Miles, from Christopher Whitehead Language College and Sixth Form. (Image: Newsquest) "Getting these grades is just the icing on the cake."

Many headteachers said this year's cohorts had a tricky time with the pandemic, but they added that this has improved their perseverance with what life throws at them. 

SUCCESS: Anna Rawlings and Caitlin Dove celebrate their A-Level results at Christopher Whitehead Language CollegeSUCCESS: Anna Rawlings and Caitlin Dove celebrate their A-Level results at Christopher Whitehead Language College (Image: Newsquest) Neil Morris, headteacher of Christopher Whitehead Language College and Sixth Form, said, "They will go off and be extremely successful, and I know this.

"I am very confident with the young people here that the country is going to be in a very good place.

Lizzy Thompson will be going to the University of Birmingham.Lizzy Thompson will be going to the University of Birmingham. (Image: RGS) "They are good people and are they going to be okay."

Schools like RGS Worcester celebrated a record-breaking year in students receiving top grades. 

John Pitt, headmaster, said: "Building on strong results last year, the results have leapt again and our pupils have achieved their University places and their Apprenticeship courses.

"These are our best ever A Level and BTEC results by pupils who sat exams and we are absolutely delighted."