A DISABLED resident says a broken street light has left them 'in darkness' while one neighbour has suffered an attempted burglary after multiple requests for the bulb to be fixed.

The street light in Cranham Drive in Warndon, Worcester is the only source of illumination for the car park but has been broken 'for months' say residents, plunging the area into darkness.

The Worcester News understands, after a report to Cllr Jill Desayrah, that were was an attempted burglary at one of the bungalows near the car park on Sunday, August 11.

DARK: Nick Cook known as Big Bear says the car park in Cranham Drive in Warndon has been pitch black for months because of the broken street light DARK: Nick Cook known as Big Bear says the car park in Cranham Drive in Warndon has been pitch black for months because of the broken street light (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

The resident, who was unavailable, has reported it to Cllr Desayrah, the Warndon city councillor, and also to West Mercia Police saying, because it is so dark, it makes it 'easy for them'.

Although the force has no record of the incident, one of the windows in one of the bungalows is boarded up after the attempted break-in where Cllr Desayrah said the incident occurred.

Nick Cook of Cranham Drive, Warndon, Worcester, known as Big Bear, also lives near the car park and says the street light is the responsibility of Platform Housing Group to repair.

VITAL: The street light in Cranham Drive in Warndon, Worcester illuminates the car park when it is working but residents say it has not been operational 'for months'VITAL: The street light in Cranham Drive in Warndon, Worcester illuminates the car park when it is working but residents say it has not been operational 'for months' (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

However, despite reporting the problem to Platform, he says it has still not been fixed and residents have been plunged into darkness.

He said: "They come out. They looked at it and said it's not their light and they could do nothing. Then they drove off. This was a few weeks ago.

"I would not walk across the car park at any time of night. I don't go out at night. It's pitch black."

INCIDENT: A boarded up window in Cranham Drive, Warndon, Worcester after an attempted break in INCIDENT: A boarded up window in Cranham Drive, Warndon, Worcester after an attempted break in (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

Cllr Jill Desayrah said she reported the issue herself on July 13 and Platform had never denied the responsibility for the light was theirs.

However, she stressed the issue had been reported by residents before that.

She said Platform had responded to her on July 22 with an 'unacceptable date' of September 17 to replace the bulb. She then asked the repairs to be brought forward.

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Cllr Desayrah said she was told the repair had been carried out on July 25 but it had not been done so she 're-reported it as unfixed' two days later.

After the attempted burglary on August 11, Cllr Desayrah said she raised the job with Platform again on August 12.

"There's no bulb at all. I feel concerned for my two vulnerable residents here who are having to live in complete darkness at night. I'm unhappy it's taking so long to be resolved."

Marion Duffy, chief operations officer at Platform Housing Group said : “Following on from reports of a street light not working in Cranham Drive, this was subsequently fixed.  We have had no further reports of it not working but are arranging to re-attend to solve the issue.”