An ageing cat has been given a new lease of life thanks to a revolutionary care programme.

After quickly losing his mobility, 15-year-old cat Poppet underwent a non-surgical programme of hydrotherapy, laser treatment and chiropractic care at Brentknoll Veterinary Centre in Whittington.

Now he is back climbing trees and chasing mice after the therapy eased his aching limbs.

Poppet's owner Carol Reading, from Pershore, is delighted with the transformation.

She said: "I first noticed signs of a problem almost two years ago.

"Poppet was no longer able to jump up onto the worktop in the kitchen - something he’d always done.

"I thought he was just getting clumsy but when he later started to fall over while he was walking I went to our local vets.

"They told me it was a neurological problem and there was nothing they could do for him and that we should make the most of him while we could.

"At this point, he was only taking a couple of steps before falling over and I really feared I was losing him.

"Then I learned about Brentknoll and the care they gave to Poppet was beyond words.

Poppet underwent a programme of hydrotherapy, chiro, and laser treatment at Brentknoll Veterinary Centre in Worcester (Image: Brentknoll Veterinary Centre)

"They did a CT scan and explained everything to me. In a way it was a relief to finally discover the extent of Poppet’s problems.

"They also gave me options and explained what they thought we should be doing - and it has worked."

Brentknoll's clinical director, Rikki Burford, who created the programme, said: "The response has been excellent. He is much more spritely and his muscle tension is markedly reduced in both hindlimbs. We’re very pleased.

"Poppet was given medication to tackle his painful condition, solensia injections to address his osteoarthritis and gabapentin tablets for nerve pain.

"Laura Davey, our hydro therapist and chiropractor, then took charge of his rehabilitation therapy and Poppet responded very well.

"Laura even started him on a course of hydrotherapy, which is a very rare treatment for cats because they are normally so averse to water.

"Poppet also received chiro, laser therapy and massages and an exercise programme which included using wobbly boards, tarsal bands and stretches."