SUCCESS: The St Georges Sports team who defeated Arbo Sports 1-0 in the Worcester and District Football League’s Sunday Infirmary Minor Cup in March 1999.

They are pictured below, back row (left to right): Trevor Hughes, Paul Coward, Marc Bullock, Neil Mogford, Paul Farr, Andrew Davies, Danny Hilditch, Kevin Dunn, James Hughes and Mark Southern.

Front: Paul Hughes, Paul Girdlestone, Ben Schiffmann, Rich Morse, Richard Webb, Andy Mitchell and Peter Mitchell.

(Image: Newsquest)

VICTORS: The Perrywood side who defeated Malvern Radar 6-1 in Worcester and District Football League Sunday Division One in March 1998.

The Worcester side are pictured below, back row (left to right): Rob Chapman, Kevin Bradshaw, Terry Wallbank, Steve Grange, Steve Medley, Sean Watts, Andrew Wilcox and Fred Bluck (manager).

Front: David Jenkinson, Craig Penny, Tom Wallbank, Kevin Matthews, Ian Bowman, Steve Bowman and Kevan Spoul.

(Image: Newsquest)