AN adventurous man celebrated his 80th birthday with a charity skydive to raise more than £3,500 and persuaded some of his family to join him.

Fernhill Heath’s Derry Clifford was accompanied by Douglas, Jessica and Rob Clifford in the jump which took place at the second attempt after bad weather.

Derry said: “I wanted to do something special to celebrate my 80th birthday.”

They are raising money for Cancer Research UK and towards the Parish Church of St John Baptist, Claines.

The skydive, which involves tandem jumping using a parachute, was due to take place on July 5.

However, due to bad weather it was postponed and took place on July 26 at Hinton Airfield near Brackley in Northamptonshire.

After landing Derry said it was an amazing experience that he will always remember and he was so pleased that both of his sons and grand-daughter joined him. The Rev Sarah Carwardine, of Claines Church, said: “We are so very proud of them and their achievement.

“The money raised will be shared between Cancer Research and towards replacing the church clock which Derry looks after. ”

A JustGiving page and more information is available at with the current total raised at more than £3,600.