WORCESTER'S new MP has been in Parliament for a month, but his ambition to represent the city can be traced back long before being elected.

Tom Collins was elected to represent Worcester on Friday, July 5, with a majority of 7,116, becoming the first Labour MP to be elected in Worcester since 2005.

Before spending his days in Westminster, Mr Collins worked at Worcester Bosch for almost two decades.

"I've lived in Worcester for 19 years," he said. "We moved here when I started working for Worcester Bosch.

"I'd always expected that we would have to move around for work, but we ended up staying here.

"I love the city. It's an absolutely beautiful place to live.

"The people are fantastic, Worcester has  such an incredible city centre and High Street."

Mr Collins spent most of his career developing a wide range of new technologies to tackle the climate crisis and finding ways for people to heat their homes in a more environmentally friendly way.

"Ever since primary school, I had a passion to tackle the climate crisis which really drove my career."

Election to parliament was the closing of one door and the opening of another for Mr Collins: "It was clear all along that the moment I'm elected, I finish my work at Worcester Bosch and I handed my notice in on the day I got the election result.

"It was a significant decision, but not a difficult one to leave Worcester Bosch. As an engineer, I realised that we can develop technology to make the world better.

"Most of the technology we need to improve the world already exists, but the barrier is getting it into people's lived experiences and that's a political problem that needs to be changed.

"So, although lots of things drew me into politics, my career as an engineer did as well."

While Mr Collins is a new face in Parliament, it isn't his first experience as a politician: "I was a Labour councillor for Rainbow Hill between 2018 and 2022.

"I fought hard to protect a local play area for young people and that kicked off my work to start Worcester Play Plan which is this long-term plan to make sure that, across the city, children have access to really good age-appropriate play that is within walking distance of their home."

Worcester Labour Party chose Mr Collins to represent them in December 2022.

"I think we wanted someone who could unite the party," he said.

"I have always been someone who values creating inclusive environments where we can disagree but keep working together."

"Labour is a party of service and so the local party were keen that we were able to serve the city well."

Mr Collins has already started working towards his targets which includes working alongside fellow Worcestershire MPs on the opposition benches.

READ MORE: Worcester's new MP explains his priorities for city

READ MORE: Tom Collins elected as Worcester's MP

"I've already been meeting and supporting our Conservative colleagues in the county in the first few weeks.

"I've always promised that I will do politics in a way that is about solving our problems and collaborating. 

"In order to do that, you have to work with people you don't always agree with."

Despite working with opposition MPs, Mr Collins is clear that this does not go against his position as a Labour MP: "There's no conflict here, it's just getting the job done in a different way.

"Labour is currently making the hard but really good decisions that will benefit people in Worcester.

"I don't want to ever let any tribal differences stop me from being effective as the MP for the people of Worcester."