A Powick councillor has begun a petition to reduce the speed limit on a "difficult" main road south of Worcester.

Councillor Sam Underwood, who represents Powick Parish Council, began an online petition this month to the change the speed limit on a section of Upton Road (B4424) which runs between Powick and Callow End.

Cllr Underwood said: "The speed limit currently goes from 30mph in Powick, to the national speed limit, and then back to 30mph in Callow End.

"There's a hidden dip in that middle section, and the county council has added solid white lines to the road which does help traffic flow, but does little for pedestrians and cyclists.

"I think it should already be 50mph because of the make-up of the road, but I personally believe the speed limit should be lowered to 30mph."

The online petition started on Tuesday (August 6), and received over 100 signatures on its first day.

Cllr Underwood added: "I didn't expect so many respondents to the petition in one day, and hopefully it gathers a strong enough response that the county council will take notice.

"We have heard various reports over the years on incidents taking place on that part of Upton Road.

"As a community, the road is well known as one that people don't want to walk or cycle on.

"They're not comfortable riding a bike as the road can be difficult and scary to navigate at times."

Approached for comment, a spokesperson for Worcestershire  County Council said: "Our traffic management team has assessed this section of the road, and it doesn’t currently meet the Department for Transport criteria for reducing the speed limits.

"The road is very rural with limited roadside development and therefore does not meet the requirement of being a well-defined urban or village community area.

"The respective 30mph limits for both Callow End and Powick both start at suitable points where there is the presence of roadside development including housing.

"We will be resurfacing the footway from Careys Brook House, north along Upton Road towards Powick in September to improve the footway for pedestrians using this route."