A DEVELOPMENT of 80 homes is planned for land east of Barbers Lane in Martley - much to the anger of residents.

BSL Strategic Ltd has written to Malvern Hills District Council ahead of submitting an outline planning application.

The developer says the proposed estate would contain a mix of market and affordable homes, and would provide community spaces including a children’s play area, allotments and “community seating areas”.

It says there are public transport links within a five-minute walk of the site as well as amenities including a post office, car garage and leisure centre.

But residents say the plans are “beyond tolerable” and there is already a lack of infrastructure in the area.

READ MORE: Plan for 372 homes and sports centre for Martley Road

READ MORE: Planning approval for more homes off Martley Road

There have already been multiple developments given the go-ahead in Martley in recent years - including a controversial plan for 83 homes, which was approved by councillors who said they had “little choice” because they would be on “shaky ground” if taken to appeal.

Objecting to the Barbers Lane plan, Anne Cooper said: “This application is beyond tolerable for Martley residents.

“We are already being inundated with unwanted house building whilst our valuable productive farmland is being depleted.

“Where is the future care of this country's ecology when every resident will have to travel by vehicle to get to where the jobs are, transport their children to school because the local ones are full, not be able to see a GP let alone get to the hospital?

“The roads won't cope, the sewers won't cope, the whole fabric of village life will be destroyed.”

Heather Rendall said: “This plan would extend the village of Martley into the open countryside. It seeks to urbanise traditional open agricultural space.”

She also raised concerns about the proposed access to the site from the B4204, which says is on a dangerous bend.

Charlotte Randall said: “Barbers Lane is already a well known rat run to and from school, which is full already.”

Jane Eve said: “This is a hideous, wrong-headed scheme and should not be allowed. There are also 2,500 houses going up a few miles down the road in Broadheath. Enough is enough.”