A WORCESTER company wants to build a new office on a former builder’s yard near the Fownes Hotel.

Plans to develop a plot of land off South Street called The Yard have been submitted to Worcester City Council on behalf of developer Misters Bros Limited.

The latest plans are for a single-storey office building with five parking spaces, plus cycle storage and a bin store.

Inside would be two offices, a meeting space, toilet and shower facilities, and a kitchen area.

The company has tried several times to get approval for more ambitious developments.

The most recent application, in 2022, was for a three-storey building with two commercial units on the ground floor and four flats on the upper floors.

Planners rejected the plans, saying the site was unacceptable for residential development.

They had concerns that paint spraying from a nearby garage would have a harmful impact on future residents.

The garage owner had also complained that the flats plan would “finish off” their business.

Documents accompanying the latest proposals say: “Following the refusal of the mixed-use development, the applicant has reconsidered a potential use for the site and therefore submits this considerably pared back proposal.

“The site is previously developed land within the centre of Worcester, situated north of Fownes Hotel car park.

“It was previously in use as a builders yard and the owner wishes to use the site as their offices.”

The developer says that although it has submitted a completely new application, it has taken the council’s previous reasons for refusal into consideration.

“The application therefore comprises a single storey, L-shaped office. The elevations are simple, but attractive and functional,” it says.

“The scale of the office is appropriate and it will be subservient to surrounding buildings. We consider the design and material to be appropriate too, given the prominence of brick buildings in the locality.”