WORCESTER'S High Street has been named one of the best in the UK with shop owners saying it has a mixture of great independents and lots going on.

The city's High Street has ranked as the seventh best in Britain ahead of major cities like Liverpool and Manchester, according to research from American Express.

Alan Prince, owner of Flowers of Worcester in Chapel Walk, has been trading in the city for over three decades and was delighted by Worcester's ranking. 

He said: "There's still so much going on in Worcester.

"There's a great selection of restaurants, a lot of independent retailers and the shops are still appealing.

"There's a lot of festivities to keep people coming back like the penguins this summer. 

"I've traded in 11 town centres and this one always does something new and interesting, and Worcester BID has played a huge role in that."

Leena Batchelor, who opened Script Haven on the High Street in 2023, said: "A lot of independent stores have opened up in Worcester recently.

"They bring soul and character to a city that is already full of unique history."

Julie Adams, a resident of Worcester, said: "The High Street is still reasonably alive.

"We've got a lot of tourist locations like the cathedral and the city has got a lovely history."

Miss Adams has been a resident of Worcester her whole life and has seen the High Street change.

She said: "It's not necessarily better or worse; it's different.

"There probably aren't as many shops as there used to be."

Some shoppers were shocked by Worcester's inclusion, like Tom Busby.

He said: "I'm surprised that it is.

"But the Guildhall and the Cathedral are lovely parts of the city."

The study found that an attractive mix of retailers was the biggest factor to Britain's shoppers (67 per cent), closely followed by good parking (62 per cent).

The study surveyed 2,000 consumers from across the country to decide what makes the best high street, which was then combined with analysis to find the cities that best fit the description.

Independent pubs and restaurants, a variety of entertainment locations and good shopping options were all important to those surveyed, while green spaces and public transport availability were less desired.