The Worcestershire homeless charity, Maggs Day Centre’s outreach team, has been supporting the homeless during the recent hot weather spell.

The charity, operating throughout the area, is determined to ensure the safety of rough sleepers and vulnerable individuals in the wake of the activation of the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP).

Claire Hooper, the outreach manager at Maggs Day Center, said: "The team have worked extremely hard this week to visit all known rough sleeper locations across the county to ensure people are safe, hydrated and sheltered.

"Even if it’s just the simple task of delivering bottles of water, sun cream and sun hats or signposting to our day centres, we will go above and beyond to remind them that support is available and keep them safe."

SWEP, organised by the partnering agency Caring for Communities and People (CCP), is an emergency response to severe weather conditions.

Simone Melia, Outreach Worker organising supplies to hand out.  (Image: Maggs Day Centre)

It is activated when temperatures are forecast to hit 30 degrees Celsius, as reported by the MET Office.

All charities in the county working with the homeless are working to make sure they know where their users are.

They focus not only on keeping track of individuals but also on providing the crucial supplies needed to protect against the impacts of the heat.

The right support is also made available to them.

Stefanie Wadley, a Maggs Outreach Worker, said: "The team and I have managed our time to ensure all hours are covered this week to ensure all known rough sleepers are provided for.

"Known hotspots can include checking out woodlands and parks shop doorways and so much more.

"Whether its early hours of the morning or late at night, we can drop by to simply remind people we’re there, arrange to collect clothing from our Clothing project, which can be items such as roll mats, pillows, bedding, waterproofs etc, or liaising with other charities that can support for those who need it, such as the local food banks or Cranstoun."

If anyone spots a rough sleeper in Worcestershire, they are encouraged to report them to StreetLink at

More information can be found at