MORE than a dozen officers were suspended from their duties this year at West Mercia Police, new figures show.

Home Office figures show West Mercia had the equivalent of 16 full-time officers suspended as of March 31, a slight decrease from 17 a year earlier.

Across England and Wales, 694 were suspended as of March, up 44% from 481 a year earlier.

Police officers can be suspended while they are being investigated for misconduct.

Dr Sarah Charman, professor of criminology, said efforts to restore public trust in the police cannot be a "short-term fix".

"Part of that activity is a determination to root out existing unacceptable police behaviours and a re-examination of many past allegations.

"It seems highly likely therefore that we will see an increase in the numbers of suspended police officers."

There was an overall increase in the number of unavailable officers across England and Wales, with nearly 6,000 officers absent from their duties, or one in 20 of the total workforce.

A Home Office spokesperson said: "It is vitally important that we restore the relationship between police and communities.

"To do that, we have committed to supporting thousands of extra police, PCSOs and Special Constables in communities across England and Wales.

"Through our Neighbourhood Policing Guarantee, we will start to rebuild that trust and confidence the public should have in the police to keep them safe."

Superintendent Mo Lansdale, Head of Professional Standards, said: “The vast majority of our officers are hardworking, professional and dedicated, however, there are a very small minority who don’t adhere to our values and we are relentless and proactive in rooting them out.

“To allow us to fully investigate allegations of misconduct there are times when it is appropriate for officers to be suspended from duty.

All suspensions are carried out proportionately in line with police regulations and fully reviewed by a senior officer.

“We are proud of the work to improve our force and the service delivered to our communities and will continue to ensure that the high standards expected of our officers and staff are upheld.”

West Mercia Police were able to confirm that 16 police officers are suspended, as of August 2.