WORCESTERSHIRE Sauce is one of the most popular food items for British people living abroad.

The sauce, which is created in Midland Road, Worcester, ranks second among British foods craved by people overseas.

There are 282,680 Google searches carried out per month for the Lea & Perrins sauce, data from Alternix found.

The study was carried out across 25 countries in total and Worcestershire Sauce was the most searched-for food stuff in the Philippines and United Arab Emirates, which both have large British expat populations.

David Phillips, Writer at Alternix, said: "There are some British staples that people clearly can’t live without, with popular cravings including scones, Worcestershire Sauce and Yorkshire puddings. But it’s not just food lovers experiencing cravings."

Alternix specialises in alternative nicotine products, and Mr Phillips added: "Cravings can be a huge hurdle for smokers to overcome."

The traditional scone ranked highest in the study with almost 1.8 million searches carried out per month.