PLANS to set up a campsite on land prone to flooding have been withdrawn after complaints from neighbours.

A proposal had been put forward to turn a field next to the River Severn in Lineholt, near Ombersley, into a campsite with up to six pitches.

But after attracting dozens of objections, the application has now been withdrawn.

NARROW: Access would have been off Lyth Lane in LineholtNARROW: Access would have been off Lyth Lane in Lineholt (Image: Google Maps)

The field - Severn Meadow - is in what the Environment Agency calls Flood Zone 3, meaning it is among the areas at the highest risk of flooding.

It was stated in planning documents the site would not be used “during the flood season” of October to March and the owner had drawn up an evacuation plan.

But residents had a number of concerns about the plan.

“The site is also regularly flooded, so there would be great danger to people as the access is often very limited or cut off entirely,” said Ellen Manterfield.

“Flooding has happened expectedly but often unexpectedly as early in the year as March. I don't think it's safe to allow a site to be created here.”

She said the field also sits within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and is home to both common and greater crested newts.

Neil Hunt said access to the site would have been via Lyth Lane, an “unadopted, single track gravel lane” maintained by residents.

“In wet conditions the lane becomes muddy, slippery and dangerous. There have been many vehicles who have ventured beyond my house down the lane and got stuck.

“The Severn Meadow site itself is prone to the river Severn flooding and this does not only happen during the winter months.

“There have been severe floods on numerous occasions since I have lived here, eight of which were during the months of June, July and September.”

Tina Jones said: “Having recorded a rare bird - the redstart - within the locality of the proposed campsite, I’m concerned that this natural habitat will be devastated, which in turn will affect the balance of the SSSI.”