A HORRIFIED couple has now been driven out of their home by a rat infestation as they seek sanctuary in a hotel until pest control kills off the rampaging rodents.

Andy Roberts and Rosie Glazzard are now staying in a Travelodge in Worcester after the rats took over their Kempsey home, biting them, soiling their bathroom and even swimming in their toilet.

The couple left their home of 30 years on Friday to be put up in the hotel in Cathedral Square in the city centre.

We understand pest control has put down more poison in the maisonette in Bannut Hill in Kempsey, near Worcester after previous, unsuccessful attempts to exterminate the rats.

Both have been bitten by the rats - Mr Roberts, 56, on his big toe and 54-year-old Miss Glazzard three times, including on her toes and bottom since they reported the infestation in June.

HORRIFIC: A rat was also found swimming in the toilet by Andy Roberts  (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

They were due to be in the Travelodge until Wednesday but the Worcester News understands from their friend, Jan Jarvis, who has agreed to speak on their behalf, that their stay has now been extended by two weeks.

Mrs Jarvis, who returned to their home to pick up Miss Glazzard's medication and some clothes discovered rats dying as a result of the poison.

She said: "There were two dying rats in the bathroom. I think they're relieved they're not in amongst the rats with all the noise they make. Obviously the place needs to be completely gutted. If the rats are going to die under the floorboards, you can't just leave them. 

"It would be awful if Andy and Rosie have to lose the place after 30 years. I don't know what the future is going to hold for them at the moment."

Disturbing footage shows a rat swimming in the couple's toilet three weeks ago. 

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Mr Roberts, Miss Glazzard's partner and carer, said he first noticed they had rodents in December.

So far the rats have chewed through wires to the freezer, gnawed holes in the floorboards and the sofas, left mountains of droppings underneath the bath and tried to open cans in the kitchen cupboards which are now inedible. 

Marion Duffy, chief operations officer at Platform Housing Group said: “A surveyor visited the home last week and we are now carrying out the necessary works to deal with the issue.  We are continuing to support our customers.”