A GRIEVING mum has spent the last 15 years pleading for the whereabouts of her murdered son to no avail.

Jesse Richards, from Evesham, was killed in a violent attack over a drug debt in Cleeve Prior on July 31, 2009, however his body was never found.

His mother, Lucy Richards, has appealed for information each year since his death hoping someone will reveal the location of his body so he can finally be buried.

She said: "I have appealed for 15 years for the return of my Jesse and every year I hope for a positive result but so far have been bitterly disappointed.

"If you can’t come forward with the information I need for me and my family, then do it for the £10,000 reward that is available for the recovery of his body.

"I hope that this year is different and that this is the year I will be able to lay him to rest."

Five men were sentenced to a total of 50 years in jail in 2012 in connection with the attack on Jesse, who was 40 years old when he died, and each one has now been released after serving their sentence.

West Mercia Police have carried out extensive enquiries and searches for Jesse's body, however, he is yet to be found.

Detective inspector Gareth Evans said: "Despite any involvement in crime Jesse had at the time of his death, his family did not, and his family have been left to cruelly suffer for 15 years without the opportunity to lay their loved to one to rest.

"Jesse would now be 55 and his mother, Lucy Richards, is all too aware that she will not be around forever.

"She lives with the hope that before it is too late for her, someone will do the decent thing and identify where his remains could be recovered from.

"Someone knows where his body is and I would ask that person to tell us. If it was your loved one, you would want to know.

"Alliance’s change over time so perhaps you didn’t feel you could come forward then but can now."

Anyone with information has been urged to contact detective inspector Gareth Evans on 07977068033 or gareth.evans@westmercia.police.uk.