Residents have shared their thoughts on plans to convert a former shop into a restaurant and takeaway in Stourport. 

The proposal, which was approved by Wyre Forest District Council, is set to see the Original Factory Shop on Bridge Street converted into a restaurant with a takeaway service. 

The Original Factory Shop closed for good in the summer 2023 but was re-opened as a discount store in October last year by popular shopkeeper Kash Mepa. 

According to the heritage statement: "The proposal is a simple application for a change of use and proposes not external changes or alterations the shop front or advertisements"

The plans have received mixed feedback on the planning portal and social media with many raising concerns over increased traffic to the area and parking.

Katrina Morgan said: "That's the last thing Stourport needs. We need a decent retail outlet both for Stourport residents and for any visitors that may still want to visit."

Gwyneth Brookes said: "Not another eatery."

Joanne Goddard added: "We need clothes stores not a restaurant, there's plenty of them."

Despite some mixed responses, others were more supportive of the news and praised the plans for appealing to younger people and helping bring visitors into the town. 

There was also speculation over the type of restaurant with people sharing their thoughts on what food they would like to see offered at the site. 

Derek Martin said: "A buffet would be good."

Abbey Lily Seçkin said: "A Turkish restaurant would be nice. Something different."

Chris Greenwood added: "I'm all up for another restaurant but hopefully it's a decent restaurant which is something different to the ones we already have." 

The plans were approved by Wyre Forest District Council on Friday, June 21. 

The decision notice said: "No problems have arisen in dealing with this application. The planning application sought an acceptable form of development which has been found to be consistent with the requirements of relevant planning policies and material considerations."

People can view the full application by searching the reference 24/0168/FUL on the Wyre Forest District Council planning website.