A PROVISIONAL date has been set for the opening of Worcester’s Scala theatre.

A business plan due to be approved by city councillors tonight says the venue will open in Autumn 2026.

The plan is for the building to be handed over to the council by its building contractors in July 2026 following a 23-month build programme.

Of course, that is dependent on the construction phase of the project going according to plan.

This is referred to in the business plan as the “start-up period”.

Also taking place during this time will be testing and audience development ahead of the theatre’s opening.

Plans to redevelop the listed building into a 500-seat theatre were first announced in 2020 but have since been scaled back after spiralling costs forced the council into a rethink.

The new design for the Scala will provide three studio spaces as well as a food and drinks venue next door in the Corn Exchange.

“The Corn Exchange, as the principal location for the food and beverage offer, will open directly onto Angel Street and is capable of operating longer opening hours to Scala to suit customer demand,” according to the business plan.

“The construction programme will be phased between the two buildings with the aim of opening the Corn Exchange a few months earlier, if possible.

“Once the whole centre is fully open, the two buildings will connect together and access to the Corn Exchange will provide Scala’s audiences with interval drinks, food and additional toilet facilities to meet all needs.”

The Corn Exchange is among the cultural venues in Worcester that could benefit from £5m of Levelling Up funding announced in March.

Ideas around bringing the listed building’s mezzanine levels back into use had been put on the back burner - but £1.6m of the Levelling Up cash could open up the space to host events and create “next level” catering facilities.

Members of Worcester City Council's Policy and Resources committee will debate the Scala business plan tonight (Tuesday, July 30) at the Guildhall.