Worcester residents hoping to take that golden Instagram-worthy sunset photograph have been offered essential tips from a local photo retailer.

The tips were presented by Calvin Fowler, owner at The Cabin, a photo retail shop on Trinity Street in Worcester.

Fowler emphasized catching the beauty of a sunset in photos is crucial for both amateurs and professionals.

He suggested arriving at least half an hour before sunset to ensure everything is ready, allowing for practice shots and refining angles.

Furthermore, incorporating a subject in the foreground, like a tree or a person, can enhance the quality of the image.

With smartphones possessing great camera features, he shared tips on how users can optimise them like using burst mode and the camera grid.

Fowler also emphasised considering the intended usage of the photograph, from publishing on Instagram to printing and framing it at home.

He suggested shooting in square mode, 1080 x 1080 or landscape for Instagram.

For safety, Fowler's cautioned against staring at the sun, recommending the use of a protective cover to prevent damage to lenses.

He further encouraged trying out editing apps and computer software.

Finally, Fowler advocated printing the finished sunset picture on Fujifilm Satin Inkjet Paper to truly capture the vibrant colours of the sunset.