A MAN said he was devastated after the area around his unborn daughter's memorial tree in Malvern was defaced by offensive symbols. 

Disturbing symbols including a swastika and apparent references to the Klu Klux Klan were sprayed on trees in one of several vandalism incidents in the area. 

Tom Partridge and his wife Hannah had to terminate a pregnancy in 2019 due to complications, during which she nearly lost her own life. 

This tree has been defaced by apparent references to the Klu Klux Klan.This tree has been defaced by apparent references to the Klu Klux Klan. (Image: Tom Partridge)

To remember their daughter, they planted the tree in an area near St Ann's Well café. 

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This spot is particularly poignant to the couple, as it was the location that Hannah told Mr Partridge she was pregnant and where he proposed. 

But he said he was devastated when he saw vandals had spray painted swastikas and the letters 'KKK' on nearby trees, as well as leaving torn tissue and beer bottles on the floor. 

Mr Partridge told the Gazette: "We are devastated to see this. 

"The location was covered with torn tissue on the floor, beer bottles, a football and then the vandalism to the tree, we couldn't believe it. 

"This is a tough time for us as a family this time of year due to what happened and this has just been devastating.

"When we had to terminate a pregnancy due to complications my wife nearly did in the process and we walked away with nothing. 

"Our mental health went down and down, I'd say we're only now coming out the other side after 5 years. 

"The tree was nothing big but something for us as a reminder, so to have this area defaced hit us like a tonne of bricks."

He added he felt acts like this were 'so disrespectful' and hoped those responsible would realise the damage their actions cause. 

He also said he wanted to assist with clearing up this incident and similar ones in the area. 

Marc Parkinson has also contacted the Gazette in recent days saying his father's memorial bench on the Malvern Hills, had been defaced.

A spokesperson for Malvern Hills Trust said: “Staff at the Trust are shocked and disappointed at the recent spate of vandalism to trees, benches and other features of the Hills.

"This offensive graffiti degrades this wonderful landscape for everyone and means redirecting warden time from conservation tasks to dealing with this unnecessary issue.

"The use of these symbols of hate is particularly concerning and there is no place for this type of imagery on the Malvern Hills or anywhere else.”

"Spraying Trust property will be dealt with as criminal damage and if anyone witnessed these events, please contact West Mercia police on 101 and the Malvern Hills Trust 01684 892002.”