A MAN has been 'shocked and saddened' after his father's memorial bench on the Malvern Hills was vandalised. 

Marc Parkinson was lost for words after discovering the bench at Sugarloaf Hill had been spray-painted over.

After many years of enjoying the bench, Mr Parkinson bought it off the Malvern Hills Trust in July 2021, shortly after his dad John passed away aged 82.

But vandals have damaged it by spraying a smiley face on the seat and covering the memorial plaque paying tribute to John in black spray. 

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Mr Parkinson believes the vandalism took place between Wednesday, July 24 and Saturday, July 27. 

Although John lived in Droitwich, he would sometimes journey up the Malvern Hills, and his children all regularly take a stroll up there. 

Mr Parkinson told the Gazette: "I do a lot of walking up the Hills and once dad passed away we thought it would be nice to sit on his memorial bench so we can remember him. 

"I haven't been up there for a short while, but my brother's girlfriend contacted me to tell me what had happened to dad's bench. 

"I was shocked this happened as normally it's so peaceful on the Hills, we have even left flowers at dad's bench for weeks on end in the past and they haven't been touched. 

"I was so annoyed when I saw what had happened, who would do something like that?

"It is so upsetting and as a family, we can't believe somebody would stoop so low. 

"The Hills are for walking and taking in the beauty, people shouldn't be doing things like this- it's disgusting."

Mr Parkinson has contacted the Malvern Hills Trust which has told him one of its wardens will take a look at the bench and clean up the plaque. 

He added: "It's fantastic they have offered to take care of it, it has really put my mind at rest. 

"It's a shame this happened but hopefully it will be back to normal soon."

Mr Parkinson said he had not reported the incident to the police but had heard of other incidents of vandalism on the Hills.