A new youth hub in the city centre can help reduce anti-social behaviours over the summer, according to Worcester BID.

Located in The Granary in St Martin's Quarter, The Base open for young people aged 11 to 17 years old.

Funded by Worcester BID, it is free to enter and open from 2pm until 5pm every Thursday during the school summer holidays.

Sam McCarthy, CEO of Worcester BID, said: "We've created a space for young people - a shared space where they can socialise with their friends.

"There's hardly anywhere that's free for them to enjoy in the city, and that's where anti-social behaviours can increase.

"The space will help stop boredom and the negative behaviours associated with it."

Councillor Lynn Denham, Worcester City Council leader and representative for Cathedral Ward, said: "This initiative from Worcester BID is a really good offer, and I'm interested to see how successful it will be over these school holidays.

"Whilst we were working on the city's play plan we found that there was a bit of a gap in the activities available for teenagers.

"So I hope this initiative gives more young people the opportunity to enjoy the city centre."

Miss McCarthy confirmed that over 40 young people attended The Base during its opening session on Thursday, July 25, and the facility has room for at least 100.

She added: "Most of Worcester's youth hubs are on the outskirts of the city, and that's ideal for young people that live in those suburbs, but city centre kids want to find something in the city - something that's accessible to them."

"We haven't advertised extensively, because the space is focused on young people living in the city itself.

"These types of initiatives will help strengthen Worcester."

Staffed by a team from Worcester BID and volunteers from Lightbox, The Base offers an evolving range of activities such as pool, gaming tournaments, cage football, table tennis, design workshops and free Wi-Fi alongside food and drink.

Miss McCarthy said: "We have encouraged members of the Safer Streets team to stop by and get involved too, and the kids have really engaged with them."