A slimming group earned a top fundraiser award for the region after raising thousands for charity.

92 members of Slimming World group, Lee's Slimming World - Worcester, took part in the 5km Race for Life event at Pitchcroft on Saturday (July 20), raising over £15,000 for Cancer Research UK.

The total ensured the group earned the Top Fundraiser award across Race for Life's Worcester, Midlands, and South West divisions.

Lee Griffiths, who runs the group, said: "We had a real fundraising push in the months leading up to the event, including a raffle between our members.

"Two of them were on crutches and another had a fractured shoulder, but were determined to finish the race."

Lee operates four Slimming World groups across Worcester and Malvern, with over 380 members between them.

On the fundraising total, he said: "It's special. It just goes to show what a group of strangers can do when they put their minds to it."