I AM writing to express my deep concern regarding the tragic incident on Southfield Street, Arboretum, Worcester, where a man sadly lost his life following a fire (Worcester News July 23).

This devastating event occurred just 10 days after the (confirmation of the) removal of Worcester’s third fire engine — a decision that has significantly impacted our community’s safety.

The reduction in fire service resources is alarming and raises serious questions about the ability to respond promptly and effectively to emergencies.

The recent cuts to the fire service will undeniably strain our local fire service’s capabilities, potentially contributing to delays in response times and putting lives at risk.

It is crucial that we re-evaluate these cuts and prioritise the safety and well-being of our residents.

I urge the local authorities and decision-makers to reconsider the removal of essential fire engines and ensure that our fire services are adequately funded and equipped to protect our community.

Casey Todd


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