A HORRIFIED couple plagued by breeding rats have been bitten by the ravenous rodents and even found one swimming in their toilet as they wrestle with an infestation.

Andy Roberts and Rosie Glazzard fear they are being driven from their home of 30 years by the rats which they say are taking over their maisonette in Bannut Hill in Kempsey, near Worcester.

Both have been bitten by the rats - Mr Roberts, 56, on his big toe and 53-year-old Miss Glazzard three times, including on her toes and bottom since they reported the infestation in June.

Viewer discretion advised: some viewers may find this video disturbing 

Disturbing footage, filmed by a neighbour, shows a rat swimming in the couple's toilet. Both dread going to sleep in case they are bitten again as this is when the ravenous rodents emerge from the shadows and begin scurrying about.

Although pest controllers have been out to put down poison in trays, Mr Roberts says it does not appear to be working. In one disgusting incident a fortnight ago he found a rat swimming in his toilet.

OUCH: Andy Roberts of Bannut Hill, Kempsey, points to the big toe which was bitten by a rat OUCH: Andy Roberts of Bannut Hill, Kempsey, points to the big toe which was bitten by a rat (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

A neighbour, Jan Jarvis, who has been supporting the vulnerable couple arrived to help.

Mr Roberts, Miss Glazzard's partner and carer, said he first noticed they had rodents in December.

YUCK: Andy Roberts takes the panel off the bath in his Kempsey home to reveal piles of fresh rat droppings as his house is overrun by the rodents and he calls for urgent help YUCK: Andy Roberts takes the panel off the bath in his Kempsey home to reveal piles of fresh rat droppings as his house is overrun by the rodents and he calls for urgent help (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

He reported the problem to Malvern Hills District Council and landlords Platform Housing and one of the pest controllers managed to trap a rat in a jar.

Miss Gazzard, who has mental health issues, said: "I've been bitten three times. I was bitten last night on the bum and bitten on the toe the night before."

HELP: Andy Roberts shows the holes in a sofa gnawed by rats and saw another of the rodents as he pulled out the sofa to reveal holes in the floorboards HELP: Andy Roberts shows the holes in a sofa gnawed by rats and saw another of the rodents as he pulled out the sofa to reveal holes in the floorboards (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

So far the rats have chewed through wires to the freezer, gnawed holes in the floorboards and the sofas, left mountains of droppings underneath the bath and tried to open cans in the kitchen cupboards which are now inedible. 

Mr Roberts said: "We have asked the council to move us. We should not be living here with rats. I can't stay here tonight. We need somewhere else to go. When Rosie was asleep there was a rat on the back of the settee. It was there for a few seconds, looking at me."

Of the toilet incident, Mr Roberts said: "I could not believe my eyes. I felt a bit sick. It was a baby rat. Jan came out and killed it. I didn't have the nerve to do it.

"We just don't seem to be getting nothing done quickly enough to get rid of the rats. How much longer have we got to stay in here with this rat problem?"

SICK: Rat droppings under the bath in the house in Kempsey SICK: Rat droppings under the bath in the house in Kempsey (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

Because he works as a cleaner at Meridian Speciality Packaging, he said he has been told not to come into work until the rats are gone. 

Marion Duffy, chief operations officer at Platform Housing Group said: “We are sorry to hear of our customers' concerns; we arranged for Pest Control to visit their home and we are awaiting their report so that we can deal with the issue.  We will continue to keep our customers updated.”

We have also approached Malvern Hills District Council and Worcestershire Regulatory Services for a comment.