SPEEDING motorists are treating narrow roads in Claines like a racetrack, according to a city councillor.

Karen Lawrance said the problems get even worse when there are roadworks with drivers going up onto pavements.

Speaking at a Worcester City Council Communities committee meeting on Wednesday (July 24), she asked for more police presence to deter offenders.

“They come down the northern link, they come down the Ombersley Road as if they are still on the northern link,” said Cllr Lawrance. “They turn into Claines Lane, which is a very narrow lane, and then they come down Cornmeadow like they are at Brands Hatch.

COUNCILLOR: Karen Lawrance asked the police to be more visible in the areaCOUNCILLOR: Karen Lawrance asked the police to be more visible in the area (Image: Karen Lawrance)

“There’s a chicane and they seem to love cushioning off the corners. That road is supposed to be 30mph - it’s supposed to be 30mph from the roundabout and the other is supposed to be 30mph from Green Lane.

“Can we have more visible reinforcements for that? Particularly if there have been roadworks.

"I have had reports of people mounting the pavement to go around the roadworks rather than wait and actually I had a local resident standing on the pavement arguing with them.”

Cllr Lawrance also asked who residents are meant to speak to about these issues.

“If they see behaviour like that, who do they approach?” she asked police and crime commissioner John Campion and superintendent Gareth Morgan at the meeting.

Supt Morgan said: “Regarding Ombersley Road and Cornmeadow Lane, you will have seen the speed sign that’s recently gone up there. I think that’s had a positive impact on speeding.”

He added: “For more, everyone should know who their local police officer is and how to report things to them.”

He said he would ensure the web pages for Safer Neighbourhood Policing teams have up-to-date contact details and photographs of officers.